Community Bank Advocacy Depends on You

Help protect the future of the industry for the good of the places we call home.

Learn the Issues

Learn how can lawmakers help us serve our customers and communities

Engage in Advocacy

Our success depends on you. Engage now in our Grassroots Action Center.

Support the IBAT PAC(s)

We can do so much more together than we could ever do alone.

Advocacy Events

Bring your voice to Austin and Washington, D.C. for the good of all.

Learn the Issues

IBAT was founded, first and foremost, as an advocacy organization exclusively representing the voice of community banks. While the financial services industry continues to evolve, one thing doesn’t change – community bankers need representation and advocacy to make their unique voice heard.

IBAT is consistently engaged in legislative and regulatory advocacy in Texas and in Washington, D.C. Learn more about our priorities below.

Meet the Team

IBAT is proud to be affiliated with the Independent Community Bankers of America, the only national association dedicated exclusively to community banks and to the creation and promotion of an environment in which community banks flourish.

Grassroots Action Center

Banker engagement in the legislative process is essential for our success in Austin and Washington, D.C. When appropriate, IBAT members are called upon to utilize our Grassroots Action Center to contact state and federal lawmakers on important issues facing Texas community banks.

Support the IBAT PACs

The IBAT POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE(s) are exclusively dedicated to helping elect men and women who understand and support the community banking industry. They are essential tools in IBAT’s government relations efforts and helps educate and support candidates who are committed to a successful economic and regulatory environment for community banks and the communities they serve across Texas.

Advocacy Events

Day at the Capitol

Returning in 2026

Day at the Capitol

Returning in 2026

Congressional Visit

Returning in 2026

Congressional Visit

Returning in 2026