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A Legal Entity Primer

                                    KAREN M. NEELEY

                                           NDERSTANDING THE BASICS OF LEGAL ENTITIES has always been important when setting
                                           up procedures to get the correct documents and the right parties to sign account or loan
                                    Udocuments for legal entities—but it just got a lot more important! On May 11, the FinCEN
                                    Customer Due Diligence Rule regarding identifying and verifying beneficial owners of legal enti-
                                    ties goes into full effect. Bank Secrecy Act anti-money laundering policies and procedures must
                                    be updated to ensure that there are systems to identify beneficial owners of 25 percent or more
                                    equity interest in legal entities, as well as at least one managerial/executive person. The follow-
                                    ing discussion provides you with the ABCs of Texas legal entities.

                                    CORPORATIONS. Under the new rule, the for  -  formation.  Officers  are  not  required  by  law,
                                    mation  document  is  now  a  certificate  of  for-  but  may  be  appointed  unless  the  governing
                                         mation,  previously  known  as  articles  of   documents prohibit them.
                    In May, the FinCEN   incorporation,  and  is  filed  with  the  sec-  GENERAL PARTNERSHIP and JOINT VENTURE. There
              Customer Due Diligence     retary of state. After filing, the secretary   must be at least two partners. A written agree-
                                         of  state  issues  a  certificate  of  incorpora-
                    Rule goes into full   tion.  In  addition,  there  are  bylaws  that   ment is not required. Each party is jointly and
                  effect. IBAT’s general   govern  operations.  The  sharehold-  severally liable for the partnership or joint
                                                                                      venture obligations and is authorized
                 counsel provides the    ers of a Texas “close corporation”             to manage and conduct business for
                                         can enter into a shareholders’
                   ABCs of identifying   agreement in lieu of bylaws                      the entity. Unless provided other-
                         legal entities.  to govern the management                        wise  in  an  agreement,  each  par-
                                                                                           ty is presumed to have an equal
                                         and  business  of  the  entity.
                                    One or more shareholders own                           interest.
                                    the equity, which could be in the                      LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, LIMITED LIA-
                                    form of common, preferred or hy-                      BILITY PARTNERSHIP and LIMITED LI-
                                     brid  instruments.  S-corporations                 ABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. There
                                    are limited to 100 shareholders.                  must be at least one general partner
                                       Corporations are governed by a board      who is responsible for management and at
                                    of  directors  with  one  or  more  on  the  board   least  one  limited  partner.  Limited  partner-
                                    (at least three for nonprofits). A director must   ships file a certificate of formation with the
                                     be a natural person. Corporations must have   secretary  of  state.  LLLPs  must  file  an  appli-
                                    at least a president and secretary, appointed   cation to register with the secretary of state.
                                     by the board. For business corporations, the   There  should  also  be  a  limited-partnership
                                     same person can hold both positions. For non-  agreement. Partners may be individuals, part-
                                    profits, there must be two different officers.  nerships, corporations and any other type of
                                                                               legal entity. Limited partners have no right to
                                    LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES.  The  formation   control the activities of the entity and their li-
                                    document  is  now  a  certificate  of  formation,   ability is limited to their investment.
                                    which is filed with the secretary of state. In
                                    addition,  there  is  a  company  agreement—or   PROFESSIONALS.  Certain  professionals,  such
                                    possibly  regulations—that  governs  its  opera-  as  doctors  and  lawyers,  may  form  a  profes-
                                    tions. Also, it can provide for more than one   sional  corporation,  professional  association
                                    class  or  group  of  members  or  membership   or professional LLC. All the equity owners in
                                    interests. Members may be individuals, part-  these entities must be appropriately licensed.
                                    nerships, corporations or any other type of le-  They  also  use  a  certificate  of  formation,
                                    gal entity.                                which is filed with the secretary of state. Old-
                                       An LLC is managed by its members or by   er entities may have articles of incorporation/
                                    manager(s)  as  specified  in  the  certificate  of   association.

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