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Departments          May–June 2018
                                               4 Up Front    24  Make the Connection
                               by Christopher L. Williston, CAE  Check out our preview of IBAT’s 2018 Leadership
                                 6 General Counsel’s Corner      Conference, June 14–16 in San Antonio. This
                                         by Karen M. Neeley      annual event is the perfect opportunity for the next
                                       8 Services Spotlight      generation of community bankers to learn more about
                                         by Ronnie A. Miller     the industry—and learn from one another.
                                    10 The Compliance Guy    28  Prove It!
                               by Kelly Goulart, CRCM CAMS CIA   by Debi Barnes
                                       12 The Baker Group        If you claim that your bank provides excellent service,
                                           by Lester Murray      you really ought to provide the evidence. Customer
                                                14 News          service can—and should—be measured. A marketing
                                                                 expert offers seven steps to make that happen.
                             18 Welcome New IBAT Members
                                               20 People     32  Otting Takes Office
                                            22 Calendars         Last November, Joseph Otting was sworn in as the
                                                                 nation’s 31st comptroller of the currency. In this Q&A,
                                 The Texas Independent Banker    he offers his take on the current state of the banking
                            is published bi-monthly by Independent   industry and the OCC’s plans to help it thrive.
                            Bankers Association of Texas, 1700 Rio
                          Grande St., Ste. 100, Austin, Texas 78701,   36  Banking on the Best
                                   512/474-6889,   by Lindsey Gehrig
                           © 2018 Independent Bankers Association   June 22 is the deadline for entering IBAT’s signature
                          of Texas. All rights reserved. The contents   bank awards program, the Best of Community
                          of this publication may not be reproduced   Banking, which recognizes association member banks’
                          by any means, in whole or in part, without   efforts to better the quality of life for those around
                           the prior written consent of the publisher.  them. Here’s what you need to know to enter.

                                         Neil Ferguson, Editor
                              Darlene Revers, Advertising Manager
                                Bonnie Kankel and Lindsey Gehrig,
                                          Contributing Editors

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