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be open to customers and non-customers alike—again, to   ▸ ▸ A bank would not be allowed to limit how much money
                    avoid that element of consideration. A bank could impose   a customer can withdraw from a savings account sub-
                    certain requirements for all participants, such as “Must   ject to a raffle unless the limit would have been applied
                    be 18 to enter” or “Must be present to win.” Well-written   without a raffle; however, a bank may require that a
                    rules should take care of the issue of consideration, thus   deposit subject to a raffle be in a savings account for a
                    avoiding lotteries and anti-gambling laws.           specific period to be counted as an entry in that raffle;
                                                                        ▸ ▸ A bank would be required to pay interest or dividends
                    SAVINGS PROMOTIONAL RAFFLES:  In  2017,  the  Texas  leg-  on a savings account subject to a raffle at a similar
                    islature passed a bill amending the state Constitution,   rate to what would be paid if there was no raffle; and
                    which was later approved by voters. That change allows   ▸ ▸ A  bank  would  be  required  to  maintain  records  on
                    banks to “award prizes by lot to promote savings.” The   savings promotion raffles.
                    federal  government  started  allowing  such  incentives
                    with the American Savings Promotion Act in 2015. The Fi-  ou can tame raffles, lotteries and sweepstakes—
                    nance  Code,  Chapter  280:  Savings  Promotion  Raffles,   and  certainly  take  advantage  of  the  newly
                    established the following rules:                   Y approved  savings  promotional  raffles—to  pro-
                     ▸ ▸ Each entry in a raffle would have an equal chance of   mote your bank. The trick is to craft any raffle, lottery or
                      being drawn;                                     sweepstakes carefully with your legal counsel to comply
                     ▸ ▸ A raffle would not be permitted to jeopardize a bank’s   with various rules and regulations. H
                      safe and sound operation;
                     ▸ ▸ A raffle would not be allowed to mislead customers   Kelly Goulart—a certified regulatory compliance manager,
                      or depositors;                                   certified anti‑money laundering specialist and certified
                     ▸ ▸ A bank would not be allowed to require additional   internal auditor—is IBAT’s regulatory compliance senior
                      fees to enter a savings promotion raffle;        manager. Contact him at 512/275‑2231 or [email protected].

                   Exciting things are happening

                   at Moody Bank!

                 »  We have a new brand look to reflect who we are and where we’re going

                 »  We’re building banking centers of the future with open designs and advanced technology
                 »  We’re expanding in Central Texas beginning with a new banking center in New Braunfels

                 »  With more than $1 billion in assets, we’re the 6th largest community bank
                   in greater Houston*

                 »  Our growing Wealth Management & Trust department, one of the oldest and
                   largest in Texas, is responsible for more than $30 billion in assets**

                                               Building relationships
                                               in Texas since 1907

                  * According to the Houston Business Journal 2017 ranking of Houston-area community banks based on
                   assets reported to the FDIC.
                 ** Moody Bank Wealth Management & Trust products are not a deposit, not guaranteed by the bank or its
                   affiliates, not insured by any agency of the U.S. Government, and involve investment risk. A possible loss of
                   value may occur.

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