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ASSUMED NAMES. For a partnership, this is a name that   VERIFICATION of ENTITY. The formation documents are de-
                    does  not  include  the  surname  or  other  legal  name  of   scribed above. The most secure way to verify the entity’s
                    each  joint  venturer  or  general  partner.  For  a  corpora-  existence and critical information is to use SOSDirect, an
                    tion, limited partnership or LLC, it is a name other than   online business service from the Texas Office of the Sec-
                    the one stated in the certificate of formation or compa-  retary of State: Other states have compa-
                    rable document (e.g., articles of incorporation). For an   rable web-based search services. By going directly to the
                    LLP, it is a name other than the one stated in its applica-  filing authority, the bank can be comfortable that it has
                    tion filed with the secretary of state. An assumed name   not received a fraudulent or counterfeit document.
                    certificate is good for 10 years and must be filed with the   In addition, the Texas comptroller of public accounts
                    secretary of state and the county clerk of either its prin-  maintains several databases of interest, including one
                    cipal office—if in this state—or of its registered agent.  for certificates of account status: There
                                                                       is also a Texas Franchise Tax Ownership Information Report,
                    MANAGEMENT. For purposes of the FinCEN rule on cus -  which is public information.
                    tomer due diligence, the bank must identify one indi-
                    vidual  with  significant  responsibility  to  control,  man-  DUE DILIGENCE TOOLS. Customer due diligence also requires
                    age or direct the legal entity. This could be one of the   truly knowing your customer’s business and needs. Inter-
                    following: executive officer, senior manager, chief exec-  nal questionnaires and BSA/AML systems can be used to
                    utive  officer,  chief  finance  officer,  chief  operating  offi-  collect expected revenue sources and expenditures. But in
                    cer, managing member (LLC), general partner, president,   addition, don’t forget to check for adverse news. This can
                    vice president or treasurer.                       be done for free through Google or subscription services.
                       For  the  purpose  of  establishing  a  valid  contractu-
                    al  relationship—a  deposit  account  agreement  or  loan,   lthough we have focused on Texas legal entities,
                    for example—the governing person or body, such as the    the  organizational  types  and  rules  should  be
                    board  of  directors,  must  approve  the  transaction  and  A similar in other states, as well. And remember
                    designate  the  appropriate  person  to  sign  documents.   that truly knowing your customer can benefit your mar-
                    Thus, the bank should obtain a certificate of resolution   keting side as you learn more about their needs. H
                    that accomplishes this. Minutes are not the right docu-
                    ment. Rather, there should be a certificate signed by the   Karen M. Neeley, in the Austin office of Kennedy Sutherland
                    secretary or other person with authority over the enti-  LLP, is widely recognized throughout the Texas financial
                    ty’s records that verifies that the necessary resolution   institution community for her expertise in the areas of regulatory
                    was adopted in a valid manner.                     and compliance law. Contact her at [email protected].

                                                        Let our loan experts
                                                        help your bank grow

                                                         • Fund overline loan participations  A DVER T ISERS
                                                         • Finance acquisitions              Advantage Health Plans Trust ....17
                                                         • Raise capital for loan growth     The Baker Group .......................15
                                                         • Finance bank and holding          The Bankers Bank .......................7
                                                                                             BKD CPAs & Advisors .................13
                                                           company stock
                                                                                             Briggs & Veselka Co.
                                                         L Let The Bankers Bank take the       CPAs and Business Advisors ...27
                                                         hassle out of your lending needs so   CalTech ...................................31
                                                         you can focus on what matters most   CSI ............................................2
                                                                                             Eide Bailly ................................23
                                                         to your bank: your customers.
                                                                                             IBAT Service ...............................9
                     Lynn Krauss                                                             Moody Bank .............................11
                                                                                             PhaseOne Design Builders .........40
                     Senior Vice President, Texas Lending Division                           PPDocs ....................................21
                     [email protected] | Mobile: 512-983-2275                                 Promontory Interfinancial
                                                                                               Network ................................5
                                                                                             Transfund ................................19
                          w w w . t b b . b a n k   •   8 0 0 - 5 2 2 - 9 2 2 0

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