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Searching for Love

                                    CHRISTOPHER L. WILLISTON, CAE

                                           PRIL 1, 1989. THESE DAYS I CAN BARELY REMEMBER WHAT I HAD FOR LUNCH, but that day
                                           I remember vividly. I walked into the expansive office on the seventh floor of what was
                                    A then the United Bank building at 15th and Lavaca in Austin. The staff—all five of them—
                                    were gathered in the lobby to greet me on my first day on the job as the new executive director of
                                    the Independent Bankers Association of Texas.

                                       They wasted little time showing me to my   hope that a new candidate can be recommend-
                                    1,500-square-foot  office,  which  had  recently   ed for approval to the IBAT board in early June.
                                     been repainted and adorned with plants, flow-  If all goes according to plan, the new CEO will
                                          ers and cards from well-wishers across   be introduced to the IBAT membership at our
                A new honeymoon will      Texas. The honeymoon had started for   September convention.
                start soon for someone    me following a 12-year stint at the Tex-  The committee has a huge mission ahead
                                          as Bankers Association, followed by 15   of  it.  Finding  just  the  right  someone  who
                   with a fresh face and   months  of  whirlwind  travel  with  Alex   shares a passion for community banking and
                     fresh ideas. We all   Sheshunoff  and  Co.  I  was  looking  for   will approach this position as a labor of love,
                 look with anticipation   love, and boy did I find it.         and not just another job, is a daunting task.
                                             Still, to this day, I thank the good   But I know they are up for it.
                     to the future while   Lord  that  the  IBAT  volunteer  leader-  The future of community banking is being
                   celebrating our past.  ship saw something in a 35-year-old kid   tested as never before. We sit on the cusp of
                                          and gave me a chance to build on what   finally obtaining meaningful regulatory relief
                                    I would characterize at the time as “a sleeping   legislation in the U.S. Congress, but our job
                                    giant of an organization.”                 is never done. There will always be more of-
                                       It  won’t  be  long—December  31  to  be  ex-  fensive and defensive battles to come and we
                                    act—before I relinquish the CEO position and   must  continue  the  great  legacy  of  volunteer
                                     spend half of 2019 as a goodwill ambassador   involvement  and  advocacy  to  maintain  com-
                                    for  the  organization,  making  ample  time  to   munity banking’s exclusive voice.
                                    visit many of you in your hometowns. I have   A  new  honeymoon  will  start  soon  for
                                    always taken succession seriously. I heed the   someone with a fresh face and fresh ideas. We
                                    advice of my dad, who spent some 35 years in   all look with anticipation to the future while
                                    the association business and preached the im-  celebrating our past. A seasoned staff second
                                    portance of succession planning.           to  none,  who  love  this  industry,  awaits  new
                                       Recently,  at  most  of  the  regional  meet-  leadership.  I  know  that  you,  the  IBAT  fami-
                                    ings held across the state, I outlined the time-  ly, will go to great lengths to welcome the new
                                    line to search for IBAT’s next CEO. The IBAT   CEO and show him or her the same courtesies
                                    leadership and board have adopted a carefully   and support you extended to me.
                                    crafted policy as to how to proceed in the se-  The sleeping giant, as I referred to the as-
                                    lection. A blue-ribbon search committee com-  sociation  all  those  years  ago,  has  awakened.
                                    prised of the IBAT executive committee, past   Now it is time to take the organization to the
                                    chairmen  and  members  at-large  began  their   next level.
                                    work in early February by carefully outlining   EDITOR’S NOTE: Save the date! Chris Willis-
                                    the minimum job requirements necessary for   ton’s retirement reception will take place at the
                                    candidates. Today, as I write this column, the   Austin Country Club on December 6. Details
                                    deadline  to  receive  résumés  has  passed  and   will be coming soon. H
                                    the  committee  will  begin  the  process  of  se-
                                    lecting three to five candidates to interview.  Chris Williston is president and CEO of the
                                       The interview process commenced in April   Independent Bankers Association of Texas. He can
                                    and will proceed through early May, with the   be reached at 512/474‑6889 or [email protected].

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