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same  for  everyone.  With  the  analytical  tools  available   rates, portfolio managers know their efforts to create and
                    these days, portfolio managers can estimate with surpris-  maintain a steady stream of stable cash flow will now be
                    ing accuracy the price volatility of individual items or an   rewarded. This cash flow line-of-defense is beneficial in
                    entire portfolio. Having that ability doesn’t prevent price   two ways. Its source represents a diminution, in the case
                    depreciation, but it does prevent it from being an unpleas-  of amortizing securities, of assets with below-market val-
                    ant surprise, and that prevents a lot of hand-wringing.  ues. These funds now become the transactional ammu-
                                                                       nition  with  which  to  replace  lower-yielding  “underwa-
                    THE CASH FLOW DEFENSE.  Once  it  is  determined  how   ter”  assets  with  higher-yielding,  current-market  bonds.
                    much market risk can be comfortably tolerated, the se-  Depreciation is reduced and yield is increased. These are
                    curity  selection  process  actually  becomes  simpler.  Po-  both good things, but they won’t happen unless care is
                    tential  alternatives  can  now  be  evaluated  in  the  con-  taken to identify and acquire, along the way, the kinds of
                    text of predetermined depreciation parameters. You’ve   securities that will provide this valuable, defensive cash
                    identified your pain threshold and can now apply your   flow just when it is most needed. Remember what your
                    analytical  techniques  to  measure  what  kind  of  expo-  father told you: defense wins championships. H
                    sure  your  various  alternatives  might  bring  with  them.
                    Those alternatives, whether they apply to broad strate-  Lester Murray joined The Baker Group in 1986 and is an asso‑
                    gic options or individual security selections, can now be   ciate partner within the firm’s Financial Strategies Group. He
                    judged on the basis of their contribution to, or mitiga-  helps community financial institutions develop and implement
                    tion of, depreciation risk.                        investment and interest rate risk management strategies. Be‑
                                                                       fore joining The Baker Group, he worked at two broker/deal‑
                        or those who have taken the steps that allow them   er banks in Oklahoma City and was also an assistant nation‑
                        to  be  comfortable  in  their  own  risk,  downturns   al bank examiner. A graduate of Oklahoma State University,
                   F in  the  market  do  not  induce  panic.  Rather  than   he holds bachelor of science degrees in finance and economics.
                    lament the price depreciation wrought by higher market   Contact him at 800/937‑2257 or [email protected].



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