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IBAT Members
Speak Up in D.C.
ore than 100 Texas commu-
Mnity bankers and industry
partners made their way to Wash-
ington, D.C., in April to tell the
community banking story. With
the recent Senate passage of
S. 2155, it was an ideal time to stress
the importance of prompt action Congressional Visit participants Doak Crabtree (Happy State Bank), Mike Jumper (Alliance Bank),
in the House regarding meaning- Justin Steinbach (Frost Bank) and Kevin Monk (Alliance Bank) in the U.S. Capitol
ful regulatory reform that bene- This was the 26th consecutive annual ICBA fly-in, and a number
fits community banks and their trip during which IBAT mem- of IBAT attendees joined bankers
customers. Attendees had contact bers had an opportunity to speak from across the nation to advocate
with 35 of the 38 members of the directly with decision makers who various issues impacting commu-
Texas delegation and heard from a are important to our industry and nity banking, including BSA, credit
variety of Congressional leaders in communities. The IBAT Congres- union competition, the farm bill,
a group setting. sional Visit overlapped with the Subchapter S and housing finance
TIB’s Gayle Earls Passes Away 2018 Best Companies
ayle M. Earls, former president retiring in 2005. But “retirement,” to Work for in
Gand CEO of TIB–The Indepen- in his case, is defined loosely. After Texas List Includes
dent BankersBank, passed away leaving TIB, he thrust himself into
on April 12 at age 81 after new endeavors, eventually Several Banks
a courageous battle with becoming chairman of the n March, Texas Monthly maga-
cancer. His playful smile, board of AccessBank in Izine, the Texas Association of
booming West Texas voice Denton, a position he held Business, Texas Society for Human
and passion for both life until shortly before his Resource Management and Best
and community banking passing. Companies Group released their
are being recalled by many. “Gayle Earls shepherded 2018 list of the “Best Companies to
Born in Tonkawa, TIB through one of the Work for in Texas,” with a number
Oklahoma, and raised most difficult economic of Lone Star banks and banking-
in Denver City, Texas, Earls was times in Texas history,” says Chris related companies making the cut.
influenced by his surroundings. “It Williston, president and CEO of the The list of
should come as no surprise that Independent Bankers Association medium-sized
Gayle had a measure of grit about of Texas. “His West Texas grit and best compa-
him,” is how his TIB colleagues vast knowledge of the industry and nies—desig-
remembered him in an announce- its players contributed to his great nated as hav-
ment issued upon his passing. “In success. On a personal note, I will ing 100 to 499
fact, we often referred to him affec- miss his guidance and friendship.” U.S. employ-
tionately as the Marlboro Man.” It Earls was keen on nurturing ees—includes:
was just such toughness that made the future of the banking industry. Guaranty Bank
Earls a key player in helping the In 2006, the Western States School & Trust N.A.,
Texas banking industry survive a of Banking in Durango, Colorado, Mount Pleas-
crippling economic downturn in established the Gayle Earls Aca- ant; Vista Bank,
the 1980s. demic Achievement Award, which Ralls; Austin
Having launched his banking continues to this day. Bank, Jacksonville;
career in 1969, in 1986 he was hired Earls is survived by his second Texas Bank and
as president and CEO of TIB in wife, Dolores, his children, Kelly Trust, Longview; Citi-
Dallas and held that position until and Brenda, and their families. zens National Bank of