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manager Debbie Adams and tellers   S&P Global Ranks the Best-Performing
                    Kelsey Nelson and Roxana Molina.  Community Banks for 2017
                      “Our mission to remain locally
                    owned and operated means that      n March, S&P Global Market In-   this recognition, but, in fact, S&P
                    our bank’s deposits and loans will  Itelligence released its rankings    Global objectively ranks every bank
                    stay right here in Chambers County   of 2017’s 100 best-performing   in the country to determine the
                    and not be exported or sold off to   banks in three categories: commu-  top performers,” says David Baty,
                    Houston, Beaumont or elsewhere,”   nity banks with assets between    Texas Republic Bank’s president
                    says Ken Moore, Anahuac National   $1 billion and $10 billion, commu-  and CEO.
                    Bank’s president and CEO.         nity banks with assets less than    “We see community banks…
                       Chartered by local farmers,    $1 billion and top-performing     as a critical engine for the overall
                    ranchers and businessmen in 1976,   credit unions. In the category of   U.S. economy,” says J.P. O’Sulli-
                   Anahuac National Bank is still     best-performing community banks   van, senior director of financial
                    the only national bank in Cham-   with assets under $1 billion, Arizo-  institutions at S&P Global Market
                    bers County, but it is also the only   na’s Metro Phoenix Bank took the   Intelligence.
                    locally owned and independently   No. 1 spot after reporting a 23.39   Texas-based banks,
                    operated bank in Chambers Coun-   percent pretax return on average   less than $1 billion:
                    ty. Each of the bank’s locations—  tangible common equity, strong
                   Anahuac National Bank, Barbers     loan growth and a 5.90 percent net     4  Texas Republic Bank, N.A.,
                    Hill Bank, East Chambers County   interest margin.                     Frisco
                    Bank and Hardin Bank—operate         Texas Republic Bank, N.A. in    12  Wallis State Bank
                    as an independent bank of their   Frisco came in at No. 4—the fourth    14  Citizens State Bank, Miles
                    respective community, staffed by   time in the past five years the bank    25  First National Bank
                    personnel who reside within their   has held that position. “Most peo-  of McGregor
                    specific locales.                 ple would probably think that our    36  First National Bank
                                                      bank applied to be considered for    of Eldorado
                                                                                         39  Charter Bank, Corpus Christi
                                                                                        40  State Bank of Texas, Dallas
                                                                                         51  Tejas Bank, Monahans
                                   IBAT Welcomes New Members                             52  Horizon Bank, S.S.B., Austin
                                                                                         54  Waggoner National Bank of
                        ASSOCIATE MEMBERS            BCBS of Texas, which leverages       Vernon
                                                     the volume of more than 32,000      58  HomeBank Texas, Seagoville
                         Capital Asset Resources     employees.
                        Tracy Trimble, Southlake                                         64  Citizens National Bank of
                  Officewise Furniture and Supply       Texas, Waxahachie
                         Provides small businesses and cor-  John Navarrete, Amarillo    98  Commercial Bank, Mason
                         porations unique solutions in ac-            Texas-based banks,
                         quiring assets to promote business   The leading office products and   $1 billion–$10 billion in assets:
                         growth. Our experience, expertise   commercial furniture dealer in
                         and strong business relationships   West Texas. We offer office furni-   13  Independent Bank Group,
                         allow us to locate the asset, negoti-  ture, accessories, design, installa-  McKinney
                         ate the purchase price and arrange   tion, delivery and complete project    26  Olney Bancshares of Texas
                         delivery of the product.    management. We also offer office,    32  WestStar Bank Holding Co.,
                                                     breakroom and reception, janitori-    El Paso
                         G&A Partners                al and safety supplies in addition to
                         Randy Roberts, Houston      printing, promotional products and    35  Inwood Bancshares, Dallas
                            business forms.                    40  Post Oak Bancshares,
                         Professional employer organization                                Houston
                         providing human resource services,   AFFILIATE MEMBER          48  Triumph Bancorp, Dallas
                         HR technology and Fortune 500-lev-                              63  First-West Texas Bancshares,
                         el employee benefits plans to banks   Bryan S. Garvin            Abilene
                         throughout Texas. We have a cap-  InSource Insurance Group LLC   71  Veritex Holdings, Dallas
                         tive group medical plan through   Midland                       75  Southside Bancshares, Tyler
                                                                                         88  AFNB Holdings, Houston

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