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AUSTIN Racheal Espinosa has LUBBOCK
Dave Cornell has joined been promoted to vice Christopher Salinas has
Secureworks. Previous- president at the Galves- joined Centennial Bank
ly, he worked with the ton Seawall branch of as senior vice president
Dell EMC Data Security HomeTown Bank. She and Boerne market
team by way of Accen- joined the team as assis- president, where he
ture Software. tant vice president and assistant leads banking and
branch manager in 2014. Espinosa lending operations. Since 2006, he’s
FORT WORTH has 14 years of banking experience. held leadership roles at other
Josh Spivey has joined community banks in Texas.
The National Bank of Jeanette Mack is now a
Texas as senior vice vice president at the Kimmy Shatley has been
president/cashier. He main HomeTown Bank hired as vice president
has more than 18 years location in Galveston. and director of retail
of experience, working She began her career banking at Centennial
most recently as a vice president/ with the bank in 1993 in Bank. She is responsible
branch operations at Pinnacle Bank the loan department. After some for overseeing retail
Texas in Fort Worth. time outside of the banking industry, banking operations. Shatley recently
she rejoined HomeTown in 2004. worked at another community bank.
Gina Lawler has been Mack was promoted to assistant vice
hired by The National president in new accounts in 2013. PERRY TON
Bank of Texas as a vice KILGORE Danny Skarda is the new
president/mortgage chairman and CEO at
department manager. Darla English has been Interstate Bank. Since
She comes to the promoted to senior vice 1981, he has served as
company with more than 15 years of president at Citizens president and CEO of
banking experience, most recently Bank. She has been numerous banks in
as a real estate loan officer and loan with bank for 32 years, New Mexico, Texas and Montana.
department manager at The Com- having started there as Before joining Interstate Bank, he
munity Bank in Bridgeport. a loan secretary. In 1990, she was was president and CEO of Herring
promoted to assistant vice president/ Bank in Amarillo.
Steve Anderson is The loan officer, and in 2001 was promot-
National Bank of Texas’ ed to vice president. UVALDE
new senior vice presi- Chad D. Stary is the new
dent and Fort Worth Jean Carr has been president and CEO of
branch president. He promoted to senior vice the First State Bank of
started there in 2017 as president, information Uvalde. He has 32 years
a senior vice president/loan officer. technology at Citizens of banking experience,
Anderson has more than 28 years of Bank, responsible for including being presi-
experience, most recently as senior managing IT in accor- dent/CLO of Guadalupe National
credit officer at First State Bank in dance with the company’s policies Bank, executive vice president/CCO
Decatur. and goals. Carr joined the bank in of Kleberg First National Bank and
1996 as a data processing manager
GALVESTON and assistant cashier. In 2004, she Guadalupe Valley regional president
Armando Garza has was promoted to vice president of for Prosperity Bank.
been named assistant information technology. BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN
vice president at the Brady Crandall has been
Alvin branch of Home- L AKE JACKSON appointed managing
Town Bank. He has 12 Tanner Bailey has been director of the South-
years of experience, appointed vice presi- west region for Finas-
including management and personal dent, commercial lender tra’s American Commu-
banking. at Texas Gulf Bank, nity Markets Sales
N.A. He brings more Organization. He brings more than
than five years of 25 years of experience in fintech
banking experience, managing a sales and sales management to this
significant loan portfolio.
new role.