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                                                      By LINDSE Y  GEHRIG

                                                      HE JUNE 22 DEADLINE FOR IBAT’S signature bank
                                                      awards  program,  the  Best  of  Community  Bank-
                                                      ing (BOCB) Awards, is quickly approaching. Texas
                                      Tcommunity  banks  have  always  proactively  identi-
                                       fied needs in their communities and created solutions. That dedica-
                                       tion extends to what happens in the banks as well—ensuring custom-
                                       ers’ needs are met and employees feel valued. That spirit and drive
                                       are what set community banks—specifically, the bankers—apart. And
                                       it’s why IBAT’s BOCB Awards were created 27 years ago—to recog-
                                       nize IBAT member banks’ efforts to better the quality of life for those
                                       around them.     If you’ve ever thought about entering but haven’t,
                                       this is the year. If you enter every year and want to continue those
                                       bragging rights, this is the year. If your bank has a program you’re
                                       proud of and you want to showcase it, this is the year. Community
                                       banks play a vital local role and make a powerful positive impact, in
                                       their communities and in their banks. The BOCB Award is IBAT’s
                                       way of honoring your hard work and commitment to bettering the
                                       lives of your neighbors, customers and friends.

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