Page 32 - 638271 IBAT with links for Flip Book_v3
P. 32
ast November, Joseph Otting was sworn in as the 31st comptroller of the curren-
cy. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) supervises nearly 1,400
national banks, federal savings associations and federal branches and agencies of
foreign banks operating in the United States to ensure that they operate in a safe
L and sound manner, provide fair access to financial services, treat customers fairly
and comply with applicable laws and regulations. We had the opportunity to ask Otting
10 questions about his new position and the current state of financial services.
What are your general priorities as the 31st comptroller of the currency?
As comptroller, my priorities are to ensure to focus on growth and opportunity. We
the safety and soundness of our feder- need to do that in ways that will keep the
al banking system, promote jobs and eco- system safe and sound and treat custom-
nomic opportunity by reducing unneces- ers fairly. We are already seeing the bene-
sary regulatory burden, enhance the value fits of a changing tone in Washington and
of the federal charter and ensure that the we’ll see more meaningful progress over
OCC operates as effectively and efficiently the next year to 18 months as the regula-
as possible. We have a lot to do as a nation tory leadership team is put in place.