Page 38 - 638271 IBAT with links for Flip Book_v3
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OCB  Awards  have  traditionally  been   choose. We know that budgets get tighter each year and
                                given  in  four  categories:  communi-  don’t want the entry cost to be a deterrent.
                                ty  service,  financial  literacy,  market-
                   B ing and architectural design. This year           EXAMPLES: The sky is the limit when it comes to
                    we’ve added a new category—bank culture. We know   what you submit. A good place to start is to think about
                    our banks make a concerted effort to develop and train,   something  your  bank  has  done  in  the  past  year  that
                    engage,  recognize  and  incentivize  their  employees.   you’re  proud  of  and  has  had  a  positive  impact,  either
                    Bank culture is an extreme-                                               on  the  community  or  bank
                    ly  important  part  of  a  com-  IN ADDITION TO THE NEW BANK CULTURE     employees.
                    munity  bank,  and  we  want   CATEGORY, WE’VE MADE ONE OTHER BIG CHANGE     Community service entries
                    to celebrate the efforts that                                             often include efforts to feed
                    go  into  creating  and  main-  FOR 2018—BOCB ENTRIES ARE NOW FREE!       the hungry, build homes for
                    taining this. We can’t wait to                                            the  homeless,  raise  money
                    learn about the many employee-centric programs that   for health services, assist in the aftermath of natural
                    fit the new bank culture category.                 disasters  and  anything  else  focused  on  helping  com-
                       In each of the five categories, there are three poten-  munity members in their time of need.
                    tial award levels. A team of judges comprised of IBAT   Financial  literacy entries all look different but en  -
                    associate  members  will  determine  if  each  entry  re-  compass the same goal of providing financial education
                    ceives a gold, silver or bronze eagle award. Each compa-  to those who would not receive it elsewhere. This can
                    ny sponsoring the BOCB program sends a representa-  mean creating a program for local schools, volunteer-
                    tive to serve as a judge.                          ing with organizations that have programs already in
                                                                       place, bank employees mentoring students or hosting
                    NEW THIS YEAR: In addition to the new bank cul -   educational events. Financial literacy programs impact
                    ture  category,  we’ve  made  one  other  big  change  for   residents  of  all  ages,  from  young  elementary  school
                    2018—BOCB  entries  are  now  free!  Member  banks  may   children to the elderly.
                    submit up to two entries in whichever categories they   Marketing entries also run the gamut and can include
                                                                                   programs  for  new  bank  products  or  ser-
                                                                                   vices, social media campaigns, website re-
                                                                                   designs or special events such as anniver-
                                                                                   saries and grand openings.
                    The requirements for submitting a Best of Community Banking Award   Architectural  design  entries  are  more
                    entry are simple and include the following:                    specific and generally focus on a historic
                    ▸ ▸ A completed entry form (one per entry);                    revitalization, new branch build or reno-
                    ▸ ▸ An entry display, which can come in many forms;            vation of an existing branch or headquar-
                                                                                   ters. These entries look at specific design
                    ▸ ▸ Written documentation that includes the program narrative, specif-
                     ic goals and objectives, the outcome and supporting data if available,   elements, why they were chosen and the
                     involvement of bank employees, and impact on the community and/or   impact of the final building.
                     the bank; and                                                    The  newest  category—bank culture—is
                                                                                   one  we  created  based  on  an  increasing
                    ▸ ▸ A brief program recap (200 words max) that will be used to write the   number  of  entries  we’ve  seen  in  recent
                     summary that will appear as part of the BOCB Awards luncheon at   years. We took note that banks want to
                     convention.                                                   highlight their efforts to ensure employ-
                    Please note that while visual displays are not required, they are encour-  ees  feel  engaged,  valued  and  appreciat-
                    aged as they help the judges visualize and understand the project. Dis-  ed. This could mean new employee train-
                    plays do not need to be elaborate or professionally made, but they do   ing  programs,  other  regularly  offered
                    need to tell the story to anyone who sees it. A display could be a scrap-  training  and  development  programs  de-
                    book with photos from events, letters from those helped, materials cre-  signed to help employees reach their po-
                    ated by the bank to support the program, etc. Alternately, it could be a   tential, health incentives or employee rec-
                    tabletop display created with poster board, often in a tri-fold shape. Or   ognition  programs.  It  could  also  mean
                    it could be a floor stand, similar to a banner stand. The display can be   monthly lunches with bank management,
                    whatever the submitting bank would like it to be that paints the picture   team-building  activities  or  other  events
                    of what the program looks like and how it was achieved. Be creative and   that engage employees or reinforce bank
                    have fun with the presentation!                                culture.

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