Page 39 - 638271 IBAT with links for Flip Book_v3
P. 39

JUDGES’ ADVICE: BOCB Awards are made possi -         ▸ ▸ While the content of the program is most import-
                    ble due to the financial support of the sponsors. A rep-  ant, an engaging and visually pleasing display great-
                    resentative from each sponsoring company also gives   ly helps to tell the story. Put effort into the presen-
                    up an entire work day to travel to IBAT headquarters in   tation to maximize the entry’s impact on the judges
                   Austin for judging. We would like to express our heart-  and everyone else who sees it.
                    felt gratitude to the 2018 BOCB sponsors: Bank Com-
                    pensation Consulting, Inc.; BKD, LLP; CalTech; Feni-               e  hope  you  will  take  advantage  of
                    more, Kay, Harrison & Ford, LLP; Garland Heart; Main               the 2018 BOCB Awards as an oppor-
                    Street, Inc.; Melion Marketing; Rogers-Ford, L.C., Ar-             tunity to tell the story of your bank’s
                    chitecture and Interior Design; and TransFund.  W critical  involvement  in  the  commu-
                       Below  are  a  few  tips  from  the  judges  to  consider   nity  or  with  your  employees  by  highlighting  the  ex-
                    when putting together an entry:                    ceptional projects you’ve taken on throughout the past
                      ▸ ▸ Explain why the program came to be. Did bank em-  year. Additional information, including the entry form,
                       ployees identify a need in the community? Was the   can be found at H
                       bank approached because it’s seen as a communi-
                       ty leader? How many employees were involved and   Lindsey Gehrig is IBAT’s public relations and external
                       what was the time commitment? Discuss how the   communications manager. She can be reached at 512/275‑2215
                       program was conceptualized, created and executed.   or [email protected].
                       Provide details and quantify as much as possible.
                      ▸ ▸ In  addition  to  detailing  the  program,  provide  out-  SHOW OFF
                                                                        YOUR BANK!
                       comes and data whenever possible. This piggybacks   Here are a few
                       off  the  point  above.  What  was  the  goal  and  was  it   examples of the
                       achieved?  What  was  the  community  impact?  How   displays from
                       was it measured or will it be measured to gauge suc-  the 2017 Best
                       cess? Will it be continued in the future and, if so, will   of Community
                       there be adjustments based on what’s been learned   Awards.
                       thus far? Are there plans to grow the program?

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