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General Session:                                   General Session:
                    Never Give Up! The Survivor Way                    Lead with Character
                    Holly Hoffman, finalist in the CBS reality show Survivor   Matt Birk, former NFL center and founder
                    Nicaragua and author of Your Winner Within         of the HIKE Foundation
                    Noon–2 p.m., June 15                               9–11 a.m., June 16

                      As we survive life’s challenges, we come face to face   By  unpacking  the  complicated  and
                    with fear and uncertainty. It is how we choose to over-  often misunderstood concept of charac-
                    come challenges that makes us who we are. Holly Hoff-  ter, a relationship-based approach to lead-
                           man will share her experiences that not only   ership  will  promote  well-being  and  foster
                              pushed  her  physically,  but  also  mental-  resilience throughout any organization, from top to bot-
                               ly,  including  her  time  on  the  hit  reality   tom. Learn how this scientifically backed leadership sys-
                                TV  show  Survivor  Nicaragua.  In  her  ad-  tem will strengthen the climate of your company. Matt
                                dress,  she  will  encourage  attendees  to   Birk  speaks  to  organizations  across  the  country  about
                                think about how they decide to survive   the  value  of  true  inspiration,  lasting  leadership  princi-
                               on a daily basis and will offer six import-  ples, the dynamics of teamwork, and fulfilling potential.
                              ant words to help us develop survival skills.   Appearing in 228 career games, including 18 playoff
                           As Hoffman puts it, “Adversity is not so much   contests, Birk spent 11 seasons with the Minnesota Vi-
                    contending with problems as it is learning more about   kings and four seasons with the Baltimore Ravens. In
                    who you are and what is inside of you.”            2002, he created the HIKE Foundation, which seeks to
                       In  addition  to  finishing  fourth  in  Survivor  Nicara-  impact the lives of at-risk children by providing inter-
                    gua, Hoffman is the author of the 2013 book Your Winner   active programs and resources needed to guide a child
                   Within: Own Your Power, Your Attitude and Your Life, and   through  the  key  educational  transitions  between  ele-
                    she delivers motivational speeches across the nation.  mentary, middle, high school and college. H

                               CONFERENCE EXHIBITORS
                           Accubranch LLC • Advantage Health Plans Trust
                       The Baker Group • Bank Compensation Consulting • BKD LLP
                     Catalyst Financial Co. • Deluxe • Diebold Nixdorf • Eide Bailly LLP
                        ENACOMM • Finastra • Fitech Payments • Garland Heart
                       Glory Global Solutions • Promontory Interfinancial Network
                      PULSE, A Discover Company • S&P Global Market Intelligence •
                          SHAZAM • Top Flite Financial • Transfund • Works24
                           JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort
                               23808 Resort Pkwy. in San Antonio
                          DIAMOND: The Baker Group • TITANIUM: Deluxe
                            PLATINUM: Advantage Health Plans Trust,
                         Fitech Payments and PULSE, A Discover Company
                             GOLD: Bank Compensation Consulting,
                           BKD LLP, Diebold Nixdorf, Eide Bailly LLP and
                               Fenimore, Kay, Harrison & Ford LLP
                              SILVER: Deluxe | Strategic Sourcing,
                          Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, Langley & Banack
                                  and Pierson Patterson LLP
                            BRONZE: American National Insurance Co.,
                               CalTech, ENACOMM and Finastra
                       BLUE RIBBON: Accubranch LLC, Catalyst Financial Co.,  ,
                                   Transfund and Works24

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