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General Session:
                                                                       Fail Faster! Building Resilient Leaders
                                                                       Anne Grady, Anne Grady Group
                         IBAT’S 2018 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE             2:30–3:15 p.m., June 14

                                  WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13                     Agility,  grit  and  resilience  are  the  new  leadership
                                                                       currency. Have you ever thought about all of the mas-
                      11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.  Associate Member           sively  successful  products,  creations  and  innovations
                                         Advisory Council Meeting      we  enjoy  today  because  their  inventors/creators  were
                              1–6:30 p.m.  Leadership Division                 able  to  bounce  back  consistently  and  over-
                                         Board Meeting                            come failure? Anne Grady will take a clos-
                                3–5 p.m.  Conference Registration                  er look at failure and why it is such a hot
                                3–5 p.m.  Exhibitor Tabletop Setup                  topic in the business world today. Busi-
                             6:30–9 p.m.  Leadership Board                          nesses  are  starting  to  recognize  that
                                         Reception and Dinner                       failure  is  information  and  it  comes
                                   THURSDAY, JUNE 14                               with  valuable  lessons  if  we  can  shift
                              7:30–9 a.m.  Golf Breakfast                         our  viewpoint  to  see  and  embrace  them.
                            8 a.m.–1 p.m.  Golf Tournament                     One of the key strategies to dealing with fail-
                            8 a.m.–7 p.m.  Conference Registration     ure is to build resilience in our organizations, and the
                           9 a.m.–12 p.m.  Optional Workshop           way to do that is by building more resilient leaders and
                           1:30–7:30 p.m.  Exhibitor Tabletops         employees.
                           2:30–3:15 p.m.  General Session:               Grady is an internationally recognized speaker and
                                         Fail Faster! Building Resilient   author who shares humor, humility, refreshing honesty
                                         Leaders, Anne Grady           and practical strategies that can be applied both person-
                           3:15–4:30 p.m.  General Session             ally  and  professionally  to  improve  relationships,  navi-
                                4–6 p.m.  Kids’ Camp                   gate change and triumph over adversity.
                             4:30–5 p.m.  General Session              General Session:
                              5–7:30 p.m.  Opening Reception           Business Ethics, Wells Fargo and Mickey Gilley:
                                         with Exhibitors
                                                                       Why All New Accounts Look Profitable at Closing Time
                                    FRIDAY, JUNE 15                    Lyle Sussman Ph.D., University of Louisville
                          7:30 a.m.–Noon  Registration                 8:30–9:45 a.m., June 15
                           7:30–9:30 a.m.  Buffet Breakfast              When  the  news  broke  about  the  2  million  fraudu-
                          7:30 a.m.–2 p.m.  Exhibitor Tabletops        lent  accounts  at  Wells  Fargo,  the  company  employed
                           8:30–9:45 a.m.  General Session:            269,000 people. It also had a formal code of ethics. Why
                                         Business Ethics, Wells Fargo   were  there  not  269,000  whistleblowers?  Lyle  Sussman
                                         and Mickey Gilley: Why All New   will  answer  this  question  in  his  informative  and  enter-
                                         Accounts Look Profitable at   taining presentation by highlighting Mickey Gilley’s pro-
                                         Closing Time, Lyle Sussman Ph.D.  found wisdom: “Ain’t it funny, ain’t it strange,
                              10–11 a.m.  Hot Topic Breakouts          the way a man’s opinions change when he
                          11:30 a.m.–Noon  Lunch                       starts to face that lonely night.” Relying
                             Noon–2 p.m.  General Session:             on  codes  of  ethics  to  constrain  uneth-
                                         Never Give Up! The Survivor Way,   ical  behavior  without  addressing  the
                                         Holly Hoffman                 human  frailty  during  “lonely  nights”
                           2:30–4:30 p.m.  Optional Workshop           of  administrative,  personal  and  finan-
                           2:30–5:30 p.m.  Afternoon Free              cial pressures is a fool’s errand. You will
                           5:30–6:30 p.m.  Hospitality Suites          walk out of this presentation with strategies
                             6:30–10 p.m.  Friday Night Family Fun:    for transforming codes of ethics into behavioral realities.
                                         Dinner and Dancing               Sussman is chairman and professor of management
                                   SATURDAY, JUNE 16                   in the College of Business and Public Administration at
                                                                       the University of Louisville. A bestselling author (Break-
                                8–9 a.m.  Pancake Breakfast            ing the Glaze Ceiling: Sweet Lessons for Entrepreneurs, Innova-
                                         with the Family               tors and Wannabes), he writes and consults on leadership,
                               9–11 a.m.  Closing General Session:     customer service, communication and high-performance
                                         Lead with Character, Matt Birk  teams.

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